How to Make a Career Pivot
Your career isn’t just your career. It’s your contribution.
Whether you're under-challenged, under-employed or just plain ready for something new, one thing is for certain: You deserve a job that you love — or at least like a whole bunch.
Sure, sure, you may be doing just a bang-up job of keeping a roof over your head, groceries in the fridge and braces on the 12-year-old's teeth, but if you've got firepower that’s going untapped, career goals you’re not reaching or something deep inside that keeps whispering (or screaming), “It’s time for this,” then it may be (beyond) time for a pivot.
(They don’t call this period of time The Great Resignation for nothing, folks.)
How to Make a Career Pivot (an updated version of The Ridiculously Awesome Career Pivot Kit) is a no-fuss, roll-up-your-sleeves guide for anyone who refuses to believe a job should simply be survivable. This one's for everyone who can't envision living with the dull (or sharp) pain of an unfulfilling career for the rest of your working life.
How to Make a Career Pivot is for you if you need a little (or huge) nudge to evaluate a simmering career dream, cook up a game plan for the transition, and make a leap into something more challenging, meaningful, lucrative or fulfilling.
Let's get started on tomorrow, today.
(Care to see the Table of Contents? Right HERE.)