How to Land Your First Job

How to Land Your First Job
This one's just for you, graduate.
How to Land Your First Job is the healing salve that'll help you dust off the COVID-stress, roll up your sleeves and get down to the business of creating a winning job search plan, in these (as they say) uncertain times.
This quick and actionable e-guide will walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a winning job search strategy, and a killer resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter to accompany that strategy. It also provides tips on networking, interviewing and navigating the specific challenges of job search during #COVID times.
Oh, and it comes with a free companion guide for all you parents, “How to Help Your Kid Get a Job (Without Being THAT Parent)”.
Parents really do mean well.
“As a recent college graduate, I will tell you: Everyone seems to be offering their two cents about my job search. In this book, Jenny offers her positive and professional insight to show that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. The practices that she has outlined are essential truths for designing an effective job search strategy. I found this a quick read, and very helpful! “
-Ben Hill (Wake Forest University, 2021)