And, ahem, about that cover letter.

Dear Job Seeker,

Yes, you absolutely need an accomplishment-based, clear, BULLET-POINTED resume. I think I've made my opinion fairly clear on this topic.

But whatcha got going on with that cover letter?

In my seven-years-as-a-recruiter observation, most cover letters read like something you'd see in a really lame college textbook about how to land a job.

In short, they're awful.

Mostly because people tend to be all formal, standard and "follow the guidelines"ish about cover letters. And in today's job market (You know, the one that sucks?)

That ain't gonna cut it.

Here's the dish.

When potential employers are plowing their way through a pile of resumes/cover letters? They're generally not filled with glee over the assignment. It's hard work, they're going to read a whole lot of empty blather, and what they want -- no, what they really, really need -- is a standout.

This is where your cover letter comes in.

Make it original. Make it a standout. Craft it in a tone that speaks precisely to that company, that job you want, and (most importantly) your personality.

In a professional way, of course. But, come on...

You want that job? Make the cover letter your billboard that

a) You've done your homework

b) You get what they're looking for

c) You're an original, and

d) You freaking rule.

Need a quick hand? Grab a cover letter from me here at a sweet $39 introductory rate.

The deal only last until August 16, but no worries. I'll keep a great price going after that.

Hugs, Jenny

Jenny Foss3 Comments