Living her truth. Honoring her dad. Building her dream career.

I was both honored and touched to receive the following note in response to my recent post about turning crap career moments (lemons) into lemonade. And I'm so grateful that the author, an amazing photographer named Corey Ann, has given me permission to share her story. I'll let her email speak for itself. Be sure and go check out her work here when you're done reading.


Well, I didn't get a pink slip, but I got a sh#t sandwich...

I was a Daddy's girl. After my Mom and brother both died when I was 13, we grew even closer. I knew in the spring of 2006 that something wasn't right with Dad. He was sleeping more and more and things were off. No matter how hard I tried to get him to go to the doctor, he wouldn't, because he was unemployed from his union and had lost his medical benefits.

Eventually, I dragged him to my own doctor to discover he had cancer, and it was past the point of treatment. At first, I tried to work and take care of him at home, but it quickly became obvious that he couldn't be along at home anymore. I went to my employer and explained the situation.

I was 10 days from qualifying for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act), but my Dad didn't have that many days to wait. I asked for a leave of absence, but I was denied.

And so I quit.

I was absolutely terrified but to me? There was nothing more important than being with my father. We took him to the Outer Banks for one last time (his favorite place.) And he died a month after I quit my job.

I could have probably gotten my job back had I tried. However, one thing I learned in that month was that life is too short to work for a company that won't give you an unpaid leave of absence to take care of your dying family member.

Growing up, I always had a love for photography. My Dad did as well, and I spent many years of my life following him around taking pictures. I decided to give being a photographer a go and see where I would wind up.

I used my inheritance to buy a nice camera, and I started my business.

While it's never been easy, five years later, I am a successful entrepreneur and I love what I do.

My Dad would be so proud. Instead of moping around or going back to a job I did well in, but hated?

I took a chance. And it worked out.

I'm so pleased to share Corey Ann's story. You can find her work (and hire her) over at


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